The fundamentals of understanding color theory in graphic design

Color theory is the basis of graphic design, just as grammar and vocabulary are the foundations of language. Without an understanding of color theory, you can’t build off of other ideas in your work, leading to a lack of creative development and stunted growth in your career as a designer. There are three primary colors – red, blue, and yellow – that each has their own properties and result in secondary colors when combined. Secondary colors can then be combined to create tertiary colors with different properties, resulting in what’s known as the color wheel. In order to make informed design decisions, it’s important to understand the basics of color theory in graphic design. This allows you to choose colors that work well together, and create beautiful and cohesive designs. You’ll also learn how to use color in your designs effectively, so your brand will be recognized by your audience in the marketplace of ideas. Below are the fundamentals of understanding color theory in graphic design.

Color theory
Color theory

Color selection and use

Color is one of the most important aspects of any design, yet it is often overlooked. The base color in design can set the tone for the entire piece. A color palette for graphic design should be carefully considered before any work begins. The use of color can make or break a design, so it is important to understand the basics of color theory. Choosing a base color is just as important as choosing your typeface, and it will help you decide on an overall mood for your project. Designers usually pick eith

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