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Aren’t you aware that “branding” is an old topic?
However, with the growth of social technologies, branding has never been more accessible, which means you have a lot more chance, but also a lot more competition, to establish and grow a successful firm.
You must stand out and develop a one-of-a-kind (Pink cow) brand for this reason alone.
Either you’re overwhelming opponents or you’re almost unnoticed in the market.
You don’t want to be known as a “me too” company.
You want to stand out from the crowd.
You want to be known as the “pink cow.”
(In his book Purple Cow, Seth Godin goes into much detail about this.) I’ve just renamed this concept “pink cow” since, well, pink rocks.
Here’s how to brand yourself as the ‘pink cow’ of
your industry…


You must first identify your target market, create precise goals, and prepare properly before launching your business. Examine your current situation and where you wish to go in the future.
• What do you want to be known for as an individual?
• What do you want to be renowned for in business?
• What will it be like in two years? How about five years? How about ten years?
Perhaps you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, or perhaps you want to build a popular eCommerce business. Alternatively, you may become the next Google.
Whatever your aim is, be sure you plan ahead of time.
Take up the role of the pink cow.


After you’ve set your goals, outlined your target market & defined how you wish to be perceived,
then you can start to build your brand.
Start with these 3 brand essentials:

A) Your Unique Visual Identity

Visual Identity and logo

Having a unique visual identity is one of the easiest
ways to differentiate your business from the competition. Your identity should be consistent and
reflective of your initial goals, yet flexible enough to work across all communication.
This includes your logos, fonts, colors, stationery,
social media profiles, and more.

B) Your Own Website, Domain

Email Address & Name
Do you know what shows up when someone searches for your company on Google? Ideally, you’ll have your own website (for example, and social media pages. Do you have a unique email address, like
All of this has an impact on the image of your company.

C) You’re Social Networks

It’s not enough to just have a Facebook or Twitter account; you need to use it regularly to post material, create value, and ask and answer questions.
Keep in mind that your brand is reflected in everything you do, say, and share.

Smart Pictorial

SmartPictorial offers a wide range of services that include designing and marketing. It offers a variety of services that include: Professional identity design – Professional print design – Print & web page design – Web page development – Web page branding – Digital advertising – E-commerce Development (Woocommerce) – Internet marketing services such as Google ad words, social media marketing, branding and more.

If you want to attract customers and create awareness, you need a well-designed website. SmartPictorial is a website design and marketing company that builds websites with a purpose. We help brands generate new business opportunities, increase revenue, and grow their brand presence. We help build a website strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives.


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